Information About Anti-Trafficking


 Child Sexual Abuse Material can follow individuals for many years and cause the person to experience the trauma all over again. Sex offenders have a propensity to view and download these materials.


Sex trafficking is everywhere. We have misled our public to think of this as only affecting girls and something in Third World countries. Boys, trans boys and males, males, girls, trans girls and females, females, non-binary youth, intersex youth and adults, and others with diversities, ethnicities, disabilities, adoptees, and children in foster care are at risk for sexual exploitation, labor, and sex trafficking. 

How is a clinic able to identify a sex-trafficked individual? What about childcare centers, youth centers, foster care, homeless shelters, faith-based housing, emergency shelters, or group homes? 

 Diverse Population and Underserved Population

According to a National Report from Chapin, approximately 4.2 million youth and young adults are homeless at any given time, and about 700,000 are unaccompanied minors according to a National Report from Chapin 

Deaf, deaf, Hard of Hearing, Loss of Hearing, and Visually Impaired individuals from these communities are under-recognized and victims of trafficking, according to Psychology Today.


We overlook individuals trafficked and pregnant. These persons could be underage or adults. What about a pregnant trans male? 

Teens, who present with HIV? What about Individuals who are misgendered, such as trans females? Are those working in any of these settings able to address the person appropriately and compassionately?


Are policies in place for employees? Do employees receive training on Trafficking? Are your employees trauma-informed to the extent that they have to meet competency standards and ongoing training to understand person-centered carefully? Is your organization connected with anti-trafficking organizations? Do policies reflect training in areas such as How to identify a trafficked individual? The signs of a trafficked individual. Is your organization Survivor-Led? Does your organization have Survivor-Led Leadership? Do policies include information about organizations and shelters that provide 24-hour services?

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